Local time in Punta Cana: 18:55
Sunrise: 07:07
Sunset: 18:21
Sunrise: 07:07
Sunset: 18:21
In spring (April 1st)
Sunrise: 06:26
Sunset: 18:48
Sunrise: 06:26
Sunset: 18:48
In summer (July 1st)
Sunrise: 05:59
Sunset: 19:15
Sunrise: 05:59
Sunset: 19:15
In autumn (October 1st)
Sunrise: 06:23
Sunset: 18:23
Sunrise: 06:23
Sunset: 18:23
In winter (Januari 1st)
Sunrise: 07:05
Sunset: 18:09
Sunrise: 07:05
Sunset: 18:09
When does the sun set in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic? You’ll find it here. Punta Cana is a popular tourist destination. The area has many beaches, facing both Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Punta Cana is part of the Punta Cana-Bávaro-Veron-Macao municipal district, in the municipality of Higüey, in La Altagracia Province. Want to know when it gets dark at your location? See our homepage.