Local time in Philadelphia: 18:54
Sunrise: 07:16
Sunset: 17:07
Sunrise: 07:16
Sunset: 17:07
In spring (April 1st)
Sunrise: 06:42
Sunset: 19:26
Sunrise: 06:42
Sunset: 19:26
In summer (July 1st)
Sunrise: 05:34
Sunset: 20:34
Sunrise: 05:34
Sunset: 20:34
In autumn (October 1st)
Sunrise: 06:56
Sunset: 18:44
Sunrise: 06:56
Sunset: 18:44
In winter (Januari 1st)
Sunrise: 07:20
Sunset: 16:48
Sunrise: 07:20
Sunset: 16:48
At what time does the sun goes down in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania? You’ll find it here. Philadelphia is the sixth-most populous city in the United States. See also the times of sunset and sunrise for Harrisburg, the capital city of Pennsylvania. Want to know at what time it gets dark at your location? See our homepage.