
At what time does it get dark in Olympia (Washington)?

Local time in Olympia: 10:32
Sunrise: 06:52
Sunset: 19:18
In spring (April 1st)
Sunrise: 06:47
Sunset: 19:43
In summer (July 1st)
Sunrise: 05:19
Sunset: 21:12
In autumn (October 1st)
Sunrise: 07:10
Sunset: 18:51
In winter (Januari 1st)
Sunrise: 07:55
Sunset: 16:34

At what time does the sun set in Olympia, Washington? You’ll find it here. Olympia is the capital of Washington State and the county seat of Thurston County. The city is located 60 miles southwest of Seattle, which is the largest city in Washington State. Want to know at what time it gets dark at your location? See our homepage.