
At what time does it get dark in Montego Bay (Jamaica)?

Local time in Montego Bay: 12:48
Sunrise: 06:04
Sunset: 17:50
In spring (April 1st)
Sunrise: 06:04
Sunset: 18:26
In summer (July 1st)
Sunrise: 05:37
Sunset: 18:53
In autumn (October 1st)
Sunrise: 06:01
Sunset: 18:00
In winter (Januari 1st)
Sunrise: 06:42
Sunset: 17:47

When does the sun set in Montego Bay, Jamaica? You’ll find it here. Montego Bay is the second largest city in Jamaica. Montego Bay is a tourist destination featuring duty-free shopping, a cruise line terminal and several beaches. Montego Bay has some famous beaches, like the Doctor’s Cave Beach. Want to know when it gets dark at your location? See our homepage.