At this location, the sun will rise today at 06:52 and sunset today will be at 17:51.
Tomorrow, sunrise will be at 06:51 and the sun will set at 17:52.
In exactly one week the sun will be up at 06:43 and down at 17:58.
What time does the sun rise today, and at what time does the sun set again? On this website you will find the current time of sunrise and sunset. We try to locate your position by using your IP-address. Using several calculations we can show the exact time it will get dark and at what time it will be light again. If you want to know these times for any other location, or if we wrongly determined your position, you choose any of the cities below or use our search function. We present the times for sunrise and sunset for today, but also for key months through the year.
What time does it get dark in: Albany (NY), Annapolis (MD), Atlanta (GA), Augusta (ME), Austin (TX), Baton Rouge (LA), Bismarck (ND), Boise (ID), Boston (MA), Carson City (NV), Charleston (WV), Cheyenne (WY), Chicago (IL), Columbia (SC), Columbus (OH), Concord (NH), Dallas (TX), Denver (CO), Des Moines (IA), Detroit (MI), Dover (DE), Frankfort (KY), Harrisburg (PA), Hartford (CT), Helena (MT), Honolulu (HI), Houston (TX), Indianapolis (IN), Jackson (MS), Jefferson City (MO), Juneau (AK), Lansing (MI), Las Vegas (NV), Lincoln (NE), Little Rock (AR), Los Angeles (CA), Madison (WI), Montgomery (AL), Montpelier (VT), Nashville (TN), New York City (NY), Oklahoma City (OK), Olympia (WA), Orlando (Florida), Philadelphia (PA), Phoenix (AZ), Pierre (SD), Providence (RI), Raleigh (NC, Richmond (VA), Sacramento (CA), Saint Paul (MN), Salem (OR), Salt Lake City (UT), San Antonio (TX), San Diego (CA), San Jose (CA), Santa Fe (NM), Seattle (WA), Springfield (IL), Tallahassee (FL), Topeka (KS), Trenton (NJ)?
What time does it get dark in: Amsterdam (the Netherlands), Athens (Greece), Berlin (Germany), Brussels (Belgium), Cannes (France), Chamonix (France), Dublin (Ireland), Edinburgh (Scotland), Istanbul (Turkey), London (United Kingdom), Madrid (Spain), Manchester (United Kingdom), Milan (Italy), Paris (France), Palma de Mallorca (Spain), Rome (Italy), Stockholm (Sweden), Warsaw (Poland)?
What time does it get dark in: Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), Bangkok (Thailand), Cancun (Mexico), Dubai (United Arab Emirates), Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Marrakesh (Marocco), Mexico City (Mexico), Montego Bay (Jamaica), Ottowa (Canada), Punta Cana (Dominican Republic), Seoul (South-Korea), Shanghai (China), Sharm El Sheikh (Egypt), Singapore, Sydney (Australia), Tokyo (Japan), Toronto (Canada), Vancouver (Canada)?